Thank you for your support!

Your support allows Lifelong to provide vital services like medically tailored meals, nutritious groceries and access to care so our clients can live their best, healthiest lives.

  • The Bread & Butter Monthly Giving Program is an impactful way to support Lifelong. Your ongoing, monthly support provides sustainable funding. Each month your contribution of $5 or more is transferred from your debit/credit card or checking account to Lifelong. The automatic transactions save time, paper, and postage, reducing fundraising costs and ensuring more of your support goes directly to impact our clients. Bread & Butter Club members receive monthly e-newsletters and invitations to exclusive events.

    If you have questions about monthly giving or would like to update your current recurring donation, email


  • Workplace giving allows you to make gifts automatically through payroll contributions. Additionally, many employers match gifts made through workplace giving, so you could double or triple the size of your gift. To learn more about your employer’s workplace giving or matching gifts program, contact your HR department.

    Two popular workplace giving programs are the King County Employee Giving Campaign and the Combined Federal Campaign. Lifelong’s Charitable ID for those campaigns are below.

    King County Employee Giving Campaign: 9347
    Combined Federal Campaign: 20659

  • Lifelong accepts gifts of securities, including shares of publicly and privately held corporations, stock options and shares of mutual funds. Donor information does not accompany stock gifts. If you would like recognition for your gift of stock, please notify us of the incoming donation so we can properly acknowledge your gift.

    Information to share with your advisor or broker to facilitate a donation of stock or mutual funds.

    Broker: LPL Financial
    Deliver to DTC: 0075
    Account Number: 3298-4337

  • Estate gifts are a wonderful way to leave a meaningful legacy to Lifelong and to ensure the ongoing viability of our organization. 

    There are several planned gift options, most of which offer considerable tax benefits. Estates both large and small can benefit from planned giving and make a significant impact on Lifelong.  Please consult with your professional advisor to determine if an estate gift is right for you. Your advisors can help you explore the possibilities and identify ways to maximize the financial and tax benefits of an estate gift. 

  • Make a gift in honor of someone’s legacy or or celebrate a loved one’s birthday, wedding, or anniversary with a gift to Lifelong. By making a gift online, you can choose who to honor and send them an ecard. If you make the gift by mail, indicate the name of the individual(s) or family you wish to honor/remember and, if applicable, include a name and mailing address for gift notification. 

  • A Party with a Purpose is a fun way to raise funds and awareness for Lifelong. The list of event ideas is endless: happy hours, holiday celebrations, bar crawls, trivia nights, bake-offs, and so much more. These events are executed independently of Lifelong, but the Lifelong team will provide support like talking points, logos and more.

  • What is Lifelong’s full legal name?
    Lifelong Health for All

    What is Lifelong’s Tax ID Number?

    What is the best mailing address for a donation?
    210 S Lucile St
    Seattle, WA 98108

    Is Lifelong a 501(c)3?
    Yes, Lifelong is a registered 501(c 3 and gifts to Lifelong are tax deductible as allowed by law.

    For any other questions about supporting Lifelong, please email